Hi Danil,
M back again......

This time i Upgrade my RAM with 4GB.....
Thanks for release patch 1.5..... of this Awesome Game.....

with this patch i could go ahead at 4'th Galaxy.....
... that Mean there is some Improvement with patch 1.5....
even though i have some issues with patch 1.5 which will as below....(for your Information only....)
1) As per attachment sometime only.... Assign Target button will not available in all launchpad at Target tab....
as well as sometime from defense M not able to Lunch ACM also...(blue buttons are inactive)... (in two Computer i observed this problem)
2) Game is Still Crashing Sometime...... (Specially after construct, Substation + batteries and packer)
(and also after Win 2'nd Galaxy.......but first it save game progress after crash.... then when we start again there is no any loss of game....) (in two Computer i observed this problem)
3) mouse pointer was not convert in normal pointer (Blue arrow) from Recon pointer (Round blue pointer)...
When i was go at enemy map to select a recon area....sudden enemy missile destroyed my Radar.. (with SUN-III)
sametime i through out on my map..... and there.... on my map....in place of mouse pointer (blue arrow) that was recon area pointer (Round blue pointer)....
that recon pointer was not convert in arrow pointer.... even after restore my radar.... i was not able to go again at enemy's map to reselect recon area...
so many time i was try to click on enemy's map (left side corner map)..... but it could not go in enemy map....even I was not able to do anything on my map...
i had to exit from that Game....
Hope it will Help to Improve Game Play....