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Question: When the skirmish mode/quick mission will be added ?

Skirmish mode    
  2 (66.7%)
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  1 (33.3%)

Total votes: 3
« Created by: Axoex on: 17. Jul 2011 at 22:50 »

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Game crash / suggestions (Read 148966 times)
18. Jun 2011 at 15:56

Breitschwert   Offline
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I bought this and PE-2 Dive Bomber from Gamersgate and have a few suggestions regarding Direct Hit.

First of all, my hand is starting to hurt. I am unable to save and have to play a whole session in one sitting. What makes this worse is that there seems to be no shortcuts for most of the actions and also building a specific number of items (not maximum or up to 10) requires a lot fo mouse clicking.

I will add all suggestions from this thread to the suggestion topic.

Second thing is more of a bug report. If you build a relay station, you can then place batteries. Try to build a second relay station and batteries right away next to it. The batteries will finish first and the game will go into a slow crawl until the relay station is finished, since I think it tries to connect with it every cycle. This might need a bugfix.

Third, please allow saving, at least in singleplayer.

Fourth, if it is not possible to make the numeric fields editable, please make shortcuts on the keyboard for increasing and decrasing the number that should be produced, sold etc. Or allow holding down the mouse button to increase the number, so we don't have to click a lot.

Fifth, I just had a crash after a 2 hour game and wonder, are there error log files? I am really disappointed by that.

Sixth, I do not like the use of Securom, period. I am happy to support you, but not if this thing is the cause of issues. And it has been the cause of issues earlier in other games. Maybe you can decide to drop it in a late future patch as a customer benefit. That is up to you. I bought the two games, because I wanted to see them, liked the PE-2 demo and wanted to support you. However any DRM like Securom, Starforce and similar are usually a no go and the money could be rather spend on advertising or creating hype. Check what the new game starting with T did (I won't promote another game here).

My sys specs are
I5 3.3Ghz
Nvidia GTX 570
Win 7 64bit
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Reply #1 - 19. Jun 2011 at 05:36

01   Offline
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Second thing is more of a bug report. If you build a relay station, you can then place batteries. Try to build a second relay station and batteries right away next to it. The batteries will finish first and the game will go into a slow crawl until the relay station is finished, since I think it tries to connect with it every cycle. This might need a bugfix

Thanks for reporting this, It has been fixed and will be delivered with the next patch. For now just build the substation first, and then build batteries.
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Reply #2 - 19. Jun 2011 at 17:01

Breitschwert   Offline
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Some more crashes and things I noticed:

If you select the same language that you are already in, in the options menu, it will lock up and stay at the selection that tells you to please wait.

The currency symbol is Yen. I read somewhere before that it should be dollar?

The music does stop looping for me in the campaign game at some point and it will never start again.
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Reply #3 - 19. Jun 2011 at 21:36

01   Offline
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we have fixed the problem with the language's combo box, thanks again for reporting.
The Yen and Dollar signs stuff is not clear for me either, we changed that so many times during the development that I don't know what is the correct sign any more, we will look the design document to see what is mentioned there Smiley
Music loop stopping is very weird, the music is raw openAl without anything on top of it. maybe we have problems with its thread or some buffer on the sound card, which sound card do you have with which drivers. You might want to try to change the sound device from windows sound settings.
Thanks again for playing the game
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Reply #4 - 20. Jun 2011 at 23:39

Lord Danil   Offline
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Breitschwert wrote on 19. Jun 2011 at 17:01:
Some more crashes and things I noticed:

If you select the same language that you are already in, in the options menu, it will lock up and stay at the selection that tells you to please wait.

The currency symbol is Yen. I read somewhere before that it should be dollar?

The music does stop looping for me in the campaign game at some point and it will never start again.

Money in Direct Hit is Yen... Smiley I think this is more fresh solution in game then USD. Try to find a place where say about dollar, we need to fix that.

About music - we have only one in-game track so it play only one at dropship landing. We planning doing something with game music (add new tracks or connect music to some game events) in later patches.

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Reply #5 - 27. Jun 2011 at 15:39

Raptor   Offline
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Hi Danil,

M back again......   Smiley
This time i Upgrade my RAM with 4GB.....

Thanks for release patch 1.5..... of this Awesome Game.....  Smiley
with this patch i could go ahead at 4'th Galaxy.....  Smiley
... that Mean there is some Improvement with patch 1.5....

even though i have some issues with patch 1.5 which will as below....(for your Information only....)

1) As per attachment sometime only.... Assign Target button will not available in all launchpad at Target tab....
as well as sometime from defense M not able to Lunch ACM also...(blue buttons are inactive)... (in two Computer i observed this problem)

2) Game is Still Crashing Sometime...... (Specially after construct, Substation + batteries and packer)
(and also after Win 2'nd Galaxy.......but first it save game progress after crash.... then when we start again  there is no any loss of game....) (in two Computer i observed this problem)

3) mouse pointer was not convert in normal pointer (Blue arrow) from Recon pointer (Round blue pointer)...
When i was go at enemy map to select a recon area....sudden enemy missile destroyed my Radar.. (with SUN-III)
sametime i through out on my map..... and there.... on my map....in place of mouse pointer (blue arrow) that was recon area pointer (Round blue pointer)....
that recon pointer was not convert in arrow pointer.... even after restore my radar.... i was not able to go again at enemy's map to reselect recon area...
so many time i was try to click on enemy's map (left side corner map)..... but it could not go in enemy map....even I was not able to do anything on my map...
i had to exit from that Game....

Hope it will Help to Improve Game Play.... Smiley
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Reply #6 - 28. Jun 2011 at 18:30

Lord Danil   Offline
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Ok. Thanks for guide to bug fixing. Smiley
We check this...

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Reply #7 - 29. Jun 2011 at 19:47

ScottWAR   Offline
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Crashing on the 2nd map, usually around 1 hour into the map. Have tried the map twice and crashed twice. No point in continuing to try and play until the crashing issues are fixed......or a save featured is added (I know you are working on it).

I have been waiting far too long for a game like this,.......and now I have it and have to wait to play it..........if I seem irritated,...that is why Smiley
« Last Edit: 29. Jun 2011 at 22:32 by ScottWAR »  
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Reply #8 - 30. Jun 2011 at 01:30

01   Offline
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Sorry for that, the crashes are fixed now, we are currently testing as hard as we Can for 1.6 release.
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Reply #9 - 30. Jun 2011 at 03:29

ScottWAR   Offline
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01 wrote on 30. Jun 2011 at 01:30:
Sorry for that, the crashes are fixed now, we are currently testing as hard as we Can for 1.6 release.

Excellent news, and I must commend you on how quickly things seem to be getting done.
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Reply #10 - 03. Jul 2011 at 07:27

ScottWAR   Offline
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Just in case it helps. This is the error message I got when it crashed on my third attempt.

Problem Event Name:      APP CRASH
  Application Name:      DirectHit.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:      4df304b4
  Fault Module Name:      DirectHit.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:      4df304b4
  Exception Code:      c0000005
  Exception Offset:      000e3281
  OS Version:      6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:      1033
  Additional Information 1:      16c2
  Additional Information 2:      16c23be1fa84488f99831b996effcbff
  Additional Information 3:      0126
  Additional Information 4: 0126cd0e130c01a78c9207cd1f513651

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Reply #11 - 05. Jul 2011 at 05:42

01   Offline
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Thanks a lot for reporting, The c0000005 code talks about a null pointer exception that I have been tracking down the whole week Smiley.
we are working on delivering a more stable version of the game.
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Reply #12 - 07. Jul 2011 at 05:23

ScottWAR   Offline
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I know you are working on a save during battle feature and are working on fixing crashes,...either of which will make the game playable. If I could save, I could do it often enough that a crash wouldnt be so bad. Thats all been covered before though.

  My point now is that if somehow the save feature is working before you figure out the crashing issues, then please release a patch with it as soon as possible.  I really want to play the game.
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Reply #13 - 07. Jul 2011 at 11:41

Lord Danil   Offline
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We planning release patch 1.6 on this week. Smiley
Stay tuned.

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Reply #14 - 07. Jul 2011 at 19:21

ScottWAR   Offline
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Excellent news.
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