Hey.....after lots of try I get this number of minerals....(I do it... just to see all stages and missile lab technology....and finally got it.....)
you know how I get this number of minerals...."started game....deployed base...pressed "m" to see how many and how much minerals are available in this map....if amount and type of minerals are good......then save game.....exit game.....again same process like jackpot slot machines....(start game watch for minerals....if map is good then save otherwise...exit... ).... when find a good map.....load game....and Play it...without cheat....
Note:- I do it... just to see all stages and missile lab technology....and finally got it.....But Now I will replay all stages from 1'st attempt....
Again and again thanks for give us a Great Game like "D.H.M.W."
Now as you told me once.....
Waiting for "Direct Hit 2: Future Wars "
..... just tell us about next Round.....what will be next......!!!!????
A Frnd Rockking.....
(keep people in thrill.... like will automatically grow up...)